Chicken Bulgur Pilaf
- 2 cups chickpea (parboiled)
- 1 ½ cups white bulgur, coarse
- 1 ½ or 2 tbsp tomato paste
- ½ chicken (boiled and pulled)
- ½ cup short vermicelli
- ½ cup oil
- 4 ½ or 5 cups chicken stock
- Salt
In a pot
- Strain the chicken stock
- Melt in the tomato paste and the salt
Let boil
- Stir in the bulgur
Cook on low heat until the bulgur is tender and almost all of the water is absorbed
In a pan
- Brown the vermicelli in the oil
In the pot
- Add the browned vermicelli and the oil on the pilaf
Cook for another 5 minutes
Let the pilaf rest for 15 minutes.
Fluff it with a fork and serve with more cooked chicken on top if you like.
We serve this dish with Jajekh, the Armenian variant of tzatziki.